Cell Phones and Brain Cancer: Is There a Link?

With the recent announcement by WHO (world health organisation) about the potential dangers of cell phone radiation, we are all naturally concerned, especially those of us who use cell phones regularly and/or who have kids with cell phones. What is safe, we wonder, in terms of use, cell phone type and exposure? Are some cell phones safer than others, and are there ways in which we can limit the dangers by changing our usage patterns?

While the answers are still coming in, there are things we can do to help protect ourselves. These tips come from a variety of sources, including a brain scientist who has recovered from brain cancer (Dr. David Servan-Schreiber - if you have not yet read his book, Anticancer, A New Way of Life go get it! It's an excellent read for anyone wishing to prevent cancer, or already dealing with the health challenges cancer presents). Simultaneously, we are all terrified of cancer but somehow in denial that it will ever touch us personally. It's time we look clearly at the rampart cancer rates of the last decade and take as many steps as we can personally to protect our health.

When it comes to this health issue, we are all exposed to radiation in varying degrees, even those of us who do not have a cell phone. In North America, unless you live in the remote wilds and are completely off the grid, you're likely affected, even if from cell towers and criss-crossing signals in the air. Experts are telling us that cordless phones pose similar risks, and it s only as more studies come to completion that the alarming statistics are becoming available. Nonetheless, mobile phones and smart phones are here to stay, so let's do what we can given that reality.

For one thing, most mobile phone manufacturers now offer a protection rating on their phones, as consumers become increasingly aware and concerned. Ask your provider about your specific phone and be sure to check the rating of any phone you buy. Other tips include using a headset rather than putting the phone directly to your ear when talking, and leaving the phone away from your wear until someone answers; according to experts the signal is stronger when the phone is ringing, before it connects. The signal is also stronger when you are between cell towers, so if the connection is bad hang up and try later when it's safer. For children and teens with developing brains, limit cell phone use and if anything, encourage texting over speaking (who ever thought anyone would say that?).

Shauna writes about cell phone safety at her cell phones students website. You can also find out more about brain health at her health and vitamin site. Take your own health seriously and be your own health advocate, so you can live the best life possible and have the vitality to achieve your dreams!

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Stem Cell Banking and Back Up - Sure Why Not, Will They Help Cure Cancer Too?

Stem Cell discoveries give hope and promise to human health and longevity. Some have questioned the ethics of stem cell use to prolong life, regenerate body parts, and maintain human health for religious reasons. Not everything is as cut and dry, and these cells only work as well as they have been programmed and they can be hijacked quite easily and cause other problems in the event the individual has a diseased area where they are injected or even a cancer.

In fact there was a very interesting article recently in "Positive Futurist - Cutting Edge News and Information Covering Science, Technology, and the Evolving World" which was published on May 10, 2011 titled; "Future of Healthcare: Stem Cells, Genetics, Remote Monitoring" by Dick Pelletier. In the article was an interesting prediction;

"Though more research is needed to realize all the hopes and dreams of this 'stem cell magic', progress is advancing exponentially; especially in areas of creating dissolvable housing systems (templates) that direct stem cells to grow into specific parts, such as hearts, livers, pancreas, muscles, bones, eyes, skin, and teeth. However, researchers have noticed that stem cells degrade in quality as people age, thus, they will offer people the ability to "bank" their stem cells for future use."

Perhaps you will recall when Senator Edward Kennedy had brain cancer, and it was thought that a revolutionary new treatment using these cells might save him. What many people did not understand is by putting them into that area of his brain, it would only have caused those cells to be hijacked into cancer cells which would do the opposite of curing him. In other words, it would help the tumor grow, not contract or be pushed out by new brain cells. There may be other future experimental techniques that might work, we shall see in the future.

Whereas the concept is legitimate, science has found that indistinguishable stem cells will become whatever they are told to become, and can be easily hijacked into cancer cells. The banking and backup makes sense for other things, and could very much help with the longevity of an individual. However as people get older the copies of their cells are not quite as good, and there is more and more bad-information going on.

Thus, these techniques for certain types of cancer are not a viable option for the future, even if they hold promises and solutions for other diseases, and increasing human longevity. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it. If you have any new research, comments, questions, or case studies I'd sure like you to contact me by e-mail.

Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank. Lance Winslow believes writing 23,100 articles was a lot of work - because all the letters on his keyboard are now worn off..

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Protect Your Skull from Cell Phone Radiation - Play it Safe

When I was a young man in my 20s, I was running a business and I was quite proud of myself because we were doing fairly well, and for young man I was quite pleased with the monetary results each month. Indeed, I had one of the first cell phones, and I was paying between $.60 and a dollar per minute, and yet it seemed to pay for itself because of the inherent efficiency of rapid communication.

None of my competitors had a mobile phone yet, the best they had were those repeater phones were you had to push to talk, and they were much cheaper either. Needless to say, I was running over 1,000 hours per month on average.

Unfortunately, they didn't know back then all the know today about how dangerous cell phones could be to the biosystem. It turns out those phones back then operated on 3 Watts of power, no, that's not very much. But since the frequency of the cellular phones back then were in the microwave range, which they are today, that meant that I was holding the phone up to my ear, and that wasn't very good for the issues with cell phone radiation. Now then, my first phone sat underneath the seat of my vehicle, and it probably cooked the underside of my seat.

Later, I had a transportable phone which I walked around with, but again it was away from my body, so it was a little bit safer. Eventually I had a handheld phone when they finally got invented, which had quite a bit more power, but I held that unit up to my ear. Later on, about eight-years later, the cell phones started using less power and they went to a different system. The wattage was significantly less, as it is today, and therefore it's probably not too much of a problem as people hold this up to their ears, provided they are not using the phone a significant percentage of the time, let's say 500 plus minutes per month, but to be totally precise, you'd need to look at the data yourself.

However, people also commonly wore their cell phone on their belt. Those microwave frequencies can damage DNA, and the last place you'd want to put it is near your reproductive system, in fact you would not want it anywhere near. Nor would you want it next your brain, even though your skull could somewhat protect you. Remember microwave frequencies go through things; that's why your microwave oven has special shielding.

There was an interesting article recently in Kurzweil's Accelerating Intelligence Online News titled; "New Studies Reveal Evidence that Cell Phone Radiation Damages DNA, Brain, and Sperm" by the Editor posted on May 24, 2011. The article stated that a:

"New independent studies offer proof that confirms findings from the Council of Europe: pulsed digital signals from cell phones disrupt DNA, impair brain function, and lower sperm count, according to a statement by the EHT. It was found that four hours of exposure to RF-EMF disrupts the ability of human brain cells to repair damaged genes. Other new work from Australia shows damage to human sperm."

Brain cancer is quite serious, and so are things like Alzheimer, and other diseases of the brain. Your brain is your most important organ, and therefore you should be thinking, and playing it safe. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank. Lance Winslow believes writing 23,444 articles by June 4, 2011 is difficult because all the letters on his keyboard are now worn off..

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