How to Know If You Have Brain Cancer - Is it Possible to Resume a Meaningful Life After Treatment?

In researching about how to know if you have brain cancer, certain current event information comes up that is worth reporting on. President Obama is encouraging Congress to craft a bill that would spell out how the federal government could increase the role it plays in making health insurance and insurance benefits available to more Americans. Two Democratic Senators are spearheading efforts to remake the nation's health care system with sweeping health care legislation.  

Senator Max Baucus, a Montana Democrat and chairman of the Finance Committee, is crafting a bill that is aimed at health care reform of private providers to create meaningful, affordable coverage for all Americans. That is in contrast to fellow Democratic Senator Edward M Kennedy of Massachusetts, chairman of the Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, who favors a comprehensive public health care plan by creating a government sponsored entity that would compete with private insurers. Senator Kennedy is recovering after months of treatment for brain cancer. President Obama favors a public plan choice for the American people in order to "keep the private insurance companies honest."  

Democratic Senator Charles E. Schumer of New York has stated it is unlikely either Senator would support the other's bill but feels they might both support the compromise plan he is developing whereby any public plan would have to comply with the same rules, regulations and standards that apply to private insurance companies. Such a public plan would also have to be self-sustaining without access to federal funds to sustain it.  

The fact that Mr. Kennedy is back in the pressure cooker of holding the job of a Senator with its debates and disagreements as a way of life is an inspiration to other victims of brain cancer. He has resumed a very public life, engaging other high powered individuals on a daily basis, resuming what for him is a "normal life" with those around him fully aware of his brain cancer condition and his struggles with undergoing treatment.

I am a father of five and a grandfather of one. I am at an age where health issues have become relevant as cancer, Alzheimer's, and a host of others have started affecting family and lifelong friends. I am educated in journalism and computers and I have extensive background as an executive in the computer and telecomm industries. I have spent a career researching and data gathering for business purposes. I now apply those same skills in a search for effective solutions to health issues affecting my loved ones. I am sharing my discoveries. A must see link for those interested in treatment choices and cures for brain cancer is:


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